Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

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RhombidodecadodecahedronA Masterball in the shape of the namegiving solid which is Wenninger solid 76.
Rhombille Rex IIIThree intersecting circles, one of sixth order and two of third order.
RhombiminxA Rhombic Dodecahedron 2x2x2 or 4x4x4 modification, where the tips also turn.

Rhombohedral extended RhombicDodecahedronSkewbA rhombic dodecahedron skewb with 6 faces "deleted" be extending.
Rhombohedron SQ-1 XA Square-1 in the shape of a Rhombohedron.
Rhombohedron SkewbA skewb transformed into the shape of rhombohedron.

RhombultimateA Pentultimate in shape of a rhombic triacontahedron.
Rhombus Cube (Sharp Edges 180600000)A 3x3x3 truncated on 4 edges and afterwards extended. The result is a rhombic prism.
Rhombus-Tri SliderA sliding piece puzzle similar to Elemental:Argon but with three plungers instead of four and some other small changes.

RhomdoA fully functional face turning trapezo-rhombic dodecahedron. An almost jumbling-only puzzle.
Rhomdo CometThe shape and axis system of the Rhomdo reduced to the simplest possible puzzle.
Rhomdo CopterThe Rhomdo Comet in shape of a cube.

Rhomdo PlusA Rhomdo with one set of additional split between pieces.
Rhomdo TransformerA hybrid puzzle but not in the classical meaning of the word. It takes an awkward axis system and makes it more awkward.
Rhomdo Transformer UnbandagedOscar van Deventer's Rhomdo Transformer with one level of unbandaging

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